Account settings for Managers and Administrators

NAVIGATION  Fast path: Log in as a Manager or Administrator and go to Admin > Settings.

A number of account-level settings and services are available for configuration only by Managers and Administrators. Many of these settings are configured when you initially implement IT Glue for your organization.

To access any of the settings described below, log in as a Manager or Administrator and click Admin from the top navigation bar. The Settings screen will load in the main pane.

NOTE  Administrators have access to all tabs that are available under your plan, but users with a Manager role only have access to the General, Branding, Authentication, Theme, and Cooper Copilot tabs.

There are nine tabs on the Settings screen.

  • General
  • Branding
  • Authentication
  • IP Access Control
  • API Keys
  • Theme
  • Vault
  • Offline Mode
  • Cooper Copilot

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