Cooper Copilot Smart SOP Generator

The Cooper Copilot Smart SOP generator in IT Glue lets you record steps as you work and automatically generate a document in IT Glue, which you can then easily edit and refine. Your entire team will save time by tracking every edit and keystroke in your browser to create a procedure, instead of agonizing over creating documents from scratch and making this a lower priority and sometimes never-completed task. This article describes how to make documentation happen as you work!

NOTE  This feature is not available for Read-Only and Lite users.

Automatically generating documents

Take the following steps to automatically generate documents from the actions you take in your browser.

IMPORTANT  Once you start recording, you cannot change browser windows. You can, however, open a new tab and retain the recording flow. Not that the new tab opening will show up as a "navigate to [URL]" step that you will likely want to delete.

  1. Click the IT Glue browser extension in your browser top menu bar and click Smart SOP Generator:

    The Smart SOP Generator opens in a pane on the right side of the browser window:

  2. Prepare your application in the browser to ensure you are at the location where you would like to start the documentation.

    IMPORTANT  The Smart SOP Generator is not currently designed to work in RMM (Remote Monitoring and Management) sessions.

  3. Click Start Capture. You are notified that the recording is in progress and you can click anywhere in your browser window to start documenting:

EXAMPLE  The rest of this process shows an IT Glue administrator Jackie Tilds adding a user called Cooper Kaseya to the Microsoft 365 admin center. This is a twelve-step process that will give her a twelve-step document in IT Glue.

  1. Click the first step in the process in Microsoft 365 admin center. Step one is to open the menu. This automatically generates a first step in the procedure, which is the page to navigate to in order to perform the procedure. This also generates the second step, which is to click the menu item.
  2. As Jackie works through the procedure of adding a user, each step is captured in the right navigation Screen recording in progress pane:

IMPORTANT  Any encrypted data in your browser will not be captured in the screen recording procedure.

  1. Click Pause at the bottom of the recording pane to pause the screen recording. When the recording is resumed, it will start in the first location clicked in the browser.
  2. When the procedure is finished, click Finish at the bottom of the recording pane:

    The Save Document window opens:

  3. Select the Organization for which this document was created. In this case, Berg Industries is selected.
  4. Enter a name for the document. Name the document according to your company document naming standards so you can easily find it.
  5. Click Save. The document is saved in a folder called SOP Documents and opens in a new tab in IT Glue within the selected organization.
  6. Review and edit your document and click Publish when you are ready to make it accessible to your users.

Editing you document

For more information on editing documents in IT Glue, refer to A quick tour of editing