Suggested IT Glue documentation in Autotask tickets


As an IT Glue Administrator or Manager, you can set up ticket settings that will allow for the suggestion of any IT Glue documentation – documents and passwords for the time being – related to the Autotask ticket that your technician is working on.

The value of this workflow integration is that it will help eliminate the time your technicians currently spend on switching between platforms to search for relevant information in IT Glue when resolving tickets. By setting up these ticket settings, you can make your ticketing resolution process in Autotask even more efficient.

For information about how to enable the Autotask - IT Glue integration in Autotask, click here.


  • You must have an Administrator or Manager-level role in IT Glue.
  • You must have an active integration setup with Autotask. For details, refer to our Integrating with Autotask KB article.
  • Users must have the necessary access and permissions to view the IT Glue documentation that is suggested in the Autotask ticket.
  • In Autotask you will need to make sure that:


Creating New Ticket Settings

In IT Glue, navigate to Account > Autotask Ticket Rules. Click the green + New button.

  1. Ticket Rule Details step will be displayed. Complete the following fields and then click Next.
    • Name - Give your new ticket setting a short and descriptive name. 
    • Description – This is the right place to explain what your ticket settings rule does. Be concise.

  2. Conditions – This step is where you specify the criteria for what Autotask tickets this particular ticket setting rule will apply to. 
    • Ticket Conditions - Drop-down menu includes: 
      • Ticket Title
      • Ticket Description
      • Ticket Tags
      • Ticket Status
      • Ticket Priority
      • Ticket Queue
      • Ticket Issue Type
      • Ticket Sub-Issue Type 
      • Customer Name 
      • Location Name 
      • Contact Name 
      • Configuration Item Name

      NOTE  You can add multiple ticket conditions through the add parameters. “Add” in this case functions as an “x” or “AND” logic. The “OR” parameter functions loosely as a “+.” You can have multiple “add” grouped and separated by “OR” statements. We recommend keeping these within bounds by having unique rules surface a unique set passwords or unique set of documents. “Catch-all” rules or overly specific will not give you a good value of this feature.

      NOTE   IT Glue will be presenting exact text matches for the results based on the rules set up in IT Glue. For example, if you set up the rule to return documents for any ticket that contains print in the ticket title, it will not return documents containing prints, printer, printed, printing, etc. It will ONLY return documents containing print. As it is not case sensitive, it will still return that item if the ticket contains Print, PrInT, or PRINT.

  3. Ticket Actions – This step is where you specify which IT Glue documentation will be surfaced in the Autotask ticket. For now, this documentation is only limited to documents and passwords.
    • Ticket Action - The attributes of the IT Glue documentation that will be displayed for all Autotask tickets meeting the conditions set in Step 2: Ticket Conditions.
      • Asset attribute - Drop-down menu includes:
        • Document Name
        • Document Organization Name
        • Document Folder Name
        • Document Flag Type Name
        • Password Name
        • Password Organization Name
        • Password Category Name
        • Flexible Asset Name
        • Flexible Asset – Organization Name.
      • Operators - Drop-down menu includes:
        • “is” - Value matching is performed based on the string value.
        • “contains” - Will only match complete words and match the words in the specified order. It will not match if there are other words interrupting the specified phrase.
        • “does not contain”Value - Free text field. Enter only one value per field. Values are not case sensitive.
      • Value - Free text field. Enter only one value per field. Values are not case sensitive.

    • NOTE  You can use [organization_name] as a variable to create a single Ticket Action which links documentation from the same organization as the ticket belongs to.
      For any ticket conditions, simply add Document - Organization Name - is - [organization_name] OR Password - Organization Name - is - [organization_name] OR Flexible Asset – Organization Name -is – [organization_name]to have documents or passwords from each ticket’s respective organization appended accordingly.

      NOTE  There is no preview available for Ticket Actions containing a variable, unless there is another OR condition.

      Review – This section gives you a sneak peek of what IT Glue documentation your ticket setting parameters will surface in the Autotask ticket. You will also be able to see the full logic of your ticket settings rule that you’ve completed in the Conditions (of the Autotask ticket) and Actions (for searching IT Glue documentation) section.

      You can “Go Back” if you want to revise a section of the ticket settings rule.

      Once you are satisfied with the steps, click Create.

      NOTE   If you have used the [organization_name] variable on the Ticket Actions step, you will not see any documents in the preview. Rest assured, your ticket rule is still working.  
      “Enable Ticket Rule” will default to being toggled “on.” You can toggle it off. You will still create a new ticket setting if you choose to toggle it off; however, this ticket setting will not have any effect (i.e. it will not be applied) on Autotask tickets until this ticket setting rule is toggled on.

Managing ticket settings

Navigate to Account >Autotask Ticket Rules to view and manage all of the existing ticket settings. Use the filter bar at the top of the page to quickly locate a ticket setting by its name, status, or other key words.

Each line will display the setting name, its conditions, and its status (active or inactive). You can toggle each rule on or off. It might take a bit before the ticket setting rule is applied on your Autotask tickets after it has been toggled on. You can edit or delete the settings by clicking on the pencil or trash can icon, respectively. To view details of that setting, click on the name or the drop-down arrow.

Default Rules

The following are the default rules available in Autotask Ticket Rules:

  • Dynamic Microsoft Integration Flexible Assets: Microsoft flexible assets from the same organization as the ticket.

  • New Hire Onboarding Documents: Suggests documents related to the onboarding of new hires from the same organization as the ticket.

  • Office 365 Documents or Passwords: Suggest documents or passwords related to Office 365 from the same organization as the the ticket.

  • Printer Management Documents: Suggests documents and passwords related to printer management.

Recovering a removed default rule

  1. Click IT Glue Default Rules.

  2. In the IT Glue Default Rules window, click Add to recover the deleted default rule. Once added the rule will be enabled by default.

    NOTE  To delete a default rule, click on the Remove button for the rule you want to delete.

Duplicating an existing Autotask Ticket Rule

You can duplicate any existing Autotask Ticket Rule so that you can quickly build a new rule by slightly modifying any existing rule parameters instead of building it again completely.


  1. In the Autotask Ticket Rules page, click on the duplicate icon for the rule you wanted to duplicate.

  2. The duplicated rule will have the same settings as the original rule. The name of the duplicated rule will have the reference ‘copy’ in the rule name. Edit and rename the duplicated rule as you desire.

    To delete a duplicate rule, click on the delete icon. Click Delete to confirm deletion.