Integrating with Autotask

As Autotask PSA is sunsetting their Soap API 1.5 version on December 31, 2021, please ensure your IT Glue integration is authenticated with an API User Licenseby December 14, 2021 to avoid any disruption in your sync.  If you are not authenticated with an API user by December 14, 2021, your integration with Autotask PSA will be disconnected. You will need to authenticate with an API User to reconnect. 

Use this article as a guide when you integrate with Autotask PSA.

At any time, you can come back to the Active Integrations screen (Account > Integrations) to make changes to the integration.

The field mappings are set up automatically when you follow the instructions below. For more information, take a look at Autotask field mappings.

If you are migrating your PSA or merging to another instance, please contact your Account Manager. Guidance from our team is recommended to ensure this is completed successfully.



  1. Navigate to Account > Integrations and create a new integration by using the Autotask option.
  2. Enter your API credentials and then click Connect.
    Note: When entering the API Credentials, use the username created in the Security Level when you created a new resource (Autotask user account) for the integration.
  3. In the Sync Settings tab, tell us how much of your data to sync. By default, recommended options are listed first. As a best practice, we recommend you only select the account types, classifications, configuration item types and ticket queues you actively manage.


  4. In the Two-Way Sync Settings tab, review the Enable two-way sync setting. Uncheck this function if desired. For partners with Network Glue and Active Directory enabled, configure your contact attributes so that new contacts created from Active Directory are automatically pushed to your PSA (learn more here).

    NOTE  If you had existing Organizations, Configurations, Contacts, or Locations populated in Autotask that also exist in IT Glue, you must edit and save each asset individually to trigger the two-way sync. Enabling the two-way sync alone will not automatically push these assets.

    NOTE  If you are switching to Autotask or adopting it for the first time, you can complete a one-time push to have all your IT Glue data synced at once. As IT Glue is your single source of truth, this push allows you to quickly sync all your well-documented assets in one go rather than having to manually edit, save, and push each one before completing a sync. Refer to our Pushing all syncable assets to PSA topic for more details.

    NOTE  In the Default Account Manager field, select a non-API user such as an Administrator. Autotask does not allow API-only users to be the owner of organizations.

  5. Click Save. The sync will be automatically queued.
  6. You can use the manual sync option to prioritize the sync to start sooner. To start a manual sync, navigate to Account > Integrations, click Actions and Start Manual Sync.
  7. From the Active Integrations screen, you can see the overall sync status. When the sync is complete, the status column changes from Syncing... to OK.

Note that when you initially set up the integration, you will be shown a list of all licensed user accounts in your PSA on the next screen, so that you can mass invite them to your IT Glue account. We automatically select all PSA users to be invited.

If you don’t yet want to send invitations to everyone, be sure to individually uncheck the boxes next to anyone you plan to invite later or not at all. Next, click the Invite Users button to invite them to join. If you don’t want to invite anyone, you can also skip this step entirely by clicking the Skip link.

Enabling Locations for an existing Autotask PSA integration

  1. Navigate to Account > Integrations > Autotask > Sync Settings. In the Actions drop-down, select Sync Settings.
  2. In the Sync Settings tab, scroll down to the Locations section (under the Contacts section) and select the “Enable Locations sync” checkbox.

    IMPORTANT  Any existing location data that already exists in your IT Glue Configurations will be overwritten by Autotask's configuration location data.

  3. Click Save to apply your new changes. Now, Autotask Locations will be pulled into IT Glue after the next sync and can be managed like all other assets. 

You can refer to our Autotask field mapping and Autotask common questions topic for more details regarding Locations.

IT Glue Checklist in Autotask Tickets

Checklists from IT Glue can now be added into Autotask tickets. To do this, create a new ticket in Autotask and navigate to the 'Checklist' section. Here, select 'Add from IT Glue,' as demonstrated in the screenshot below.

This feature is also applicable to already existing tickets; simply edit the ticket and follow the same procedure.


Autotask items that have a blank Configuration Item Type will only be pulled in to IT Glue if the Sync Configuration Items without Configuration Item Types option is checked. These items will display a generic "Autotask Default" configuration type. For help, see our Fixing "Autotask Default" configuration items topic.

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