ConnectWise Manage field mappings

This article defines how ConnectWise Manage fields are mapped to IT Glue fields. Learn more about integrating with ConnectWise Manage in this topic.

A summary of the two-way sync behaviour:

  • Configurations <—> Configurations (excluding PSA custom fields)
  • Organizations <—> Companies
  • Locations <—> Sites
  • Contacts <—> Contacts


IT Glue: Configuration ConnectWise Manage: Configuration
Name Name
Asset Tag Tag Number
Contact Contact
Default Gateway Default Gateway
Configuration Status Configuration Status
Configuration Type Configuration Type
Installed Date Installed Date
Installed By Installed By
Location Site
Manufacturer Manufacturer
Model Model
Notes Notes
Operating System OS Type
Primary IP IP Address
Purchased Date Purchased Date
Serial Number Serial Number
Primary MAC Address MAC Address*
Expiration Date Expiration Date

NOTE  If you are syncing multiple MAC addresses from your RMM to ConnectWise Manage, the MAC addresses are written as a single string in ConnectWise Manage. If this string exceeds 17 characters, or is not formatted as a single MAC Address, it will not sync to IT Glue.


IT Glue: Organization ConnectWise Manage: Company
Name Company
Type Type
Status Status
Parent Organization Parent Company
Primary Location Site
Short Name Company ID


IT Glue: Contact ConnectWise Manage: Contact
First Name First Name
Last Name Last Name
Type Type
Title Title
Emails Emails
Contact Phones Contact Phone/Fax Numbers
Location Site


IT Glue: Location ConnectWise Manage: Site
Name Site
Address 1 Address 1
Address 2 Address 2
City City
State/Province State/Province
Zip/Postal code Zip/Postal Code
Country Country
Phone Phone
Fax Fax

NOTE  Phone and fax are only one-way sync.

A summary of one-way sync behaviour:

  • Tickets <— Tickets


IT Glue: Ticket ConnectWise Manage: Ticket
Board Board
Ticket Number Ticket Number
Contact Contact
Status Status
Priority Priority
Created Created
Updated Updated
Configurations Configurations

Matching logic

Standard matching rules are used to match records within IT Glue when pulling over data from ConnectWise Manage. The sync will discover companies, configurations, contacts, and locations and match them to data in IT Glue using the fields shown in the table below:

Rule Matches on
Organizations Company Name
Contacts (Company) AND (First Name AND Last Name)

(Company) AND (Configuration Type AND Configuration Name) AND (Serial Number AND MAC Address) *

Locations (Company) AND (Address 1 AND Address 2 AND City AND State/Province AND Country)
Tickets (Company) AND (Ticket Number)

If the matching logic is unsuccessful in finding a match, a new record is created. When one or more identical matches are found, the item that was created first is matched on.

* If there is more than one match, the system will try to narrow the matches using a unique identifier, such as a serial number or MAC address, before matching on date created.

ConnectWise Questions & Answers

Questions & Answers fields synced in from ConnectWise Manage are overlaid and read-only. In the event that the sync is disconnected, these fields will no longer be displayed in IT Glue.

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