Autotask field mappings

This article defines how Autotask fields are mapped to IT Glue fields. Learn more about integrating with Autotask in this article.

A summary of the two-way sync behaviour:

  • Configurations <—> Configuration Items (excluding PSA custom fields)
  • Organizations <—> Accounts  
  • Locations <—> Locations
  • Contacts <—> Contacts

Configuration items 

IT Glue: Configuration Autotask: Configuration Item
Name Reference Name (if present) OR Product Name
Asset Tag Reference Number
Contact Contact
Configuration Status Active
Configuration Type Configuration Item Type
Installed At Install Date
Installed By Installed By
Manufacturer Product Name -> Manufacturer *
Model Product Name -> Manufacturer Product Number *
Notes Notes
Serial Number Serial Number
Expiration Date Warranty Expiration Date
Location Location

* Manufacturers and models will be created in IT Glue if they don't already exist. For a list of the manufacturers and models created in IT Glue, go to Account and click the relevant option on the sidebar.


IT Glue: Organization Autotask: Account
Name Account Name
Status Active
Type Account Type
Parent Organization Parent Company Name
Primary Location Account Location
Short Name Account Number


IT Glue: Contact Autotask: Contact
First Name First Name
Last Name Last Name
Title Title
Work Email Email Address
Work Phone Phone/Ext
Mobile Phone Mobile Phone
Alternate Phone Alternate Phone
Fax Fax
Location Account Location


IT Glue: Location Autotask: Location
Name Name **
Address 1 Address 1
Address 2 Address 2
City City
State/Province State/Province
Zip Code Zip Code
Country Country
Phone Phone
Fax Fax

** This does not apply for personal address details on an Autotask PSA contact.

A summary of one-way sync behaviour:

  • Tickets <— Tickets


IT Glue: Ticket Autotask: Ticket
Board Queue
Title Name
Ticket Number Ticket Number
Contact Contact
Status Status
Priority Priority
Created Created
Updated Updated
Configurations Configurations

Matching logic

Standard matching rules are used to match records within IT Glue when pulling over data from Autotask. The sync will discover accounts, configuration items, contacts, and account/contact addresses in Autotask and match them to data in IT Glue using the Autotask fields shown in the table below:

Rule Matches on
Organization Account Name
Contacts (Account) AND (First Name AND Last Name)

(Account) AND (Configuration Item Type AND Reference Name) AND (Serial Number) ***

Locations (Account) AND (Address 1 AND Address 2 AND City AND State/Province AND Country)
Tickets (Account) AND (Ticket Number)

If the matching logic is unsuccessful in finding a match, a new record is created. When one or more identical matches are found, the item that was created first is matched on.

*** Configurations: If there is more than one match, the system will try to narrow the matches using the serial number before matching on the date created.

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