File Import and Matching Guide

In this article, you’ll learn tips for importing CSV data into IT Glue. For the step-by-step instructions and CSV templates, see Importing CSV data into your account.

General requirements

When preparing a CSV file for import, make sure that it meets these general requirements:

Requirement Details
Header row

The CSV file importer uses the CSV file header row to determine how to map data from the file's 2nd row and beyond to fields in IT Glue.

UTF-8 text

The source file must contain only UTF-8 format text. Special characters that UTF supports includes, but is not limited to:

! @ # $ % ^ & ' ) ( . - _ { } ~ / £

A full list of UTF-8 characters can be seen here:

Any error values are fixed

We have had reports where a ? or � (black diamond with a white question mark) replaces some letters. The cause of this is how the source program (e.g. Excel) is reading the data. You can fix the errors in the export file using a text editor.

Note that you may find similar replacements, for example, é (e-acute) is replaced by an e. If you find that there are just a few of these to correct, it may be easier to fix them in IT Glue. Otherwise, fix them before you import the data.

Values with a comma in quotes

Check your data fields for commas. If any of these cell values contain extra commas, enclose the value with quotations, for example, "San Francisco, Main Office" (in quotes) instead of San Francisco, Main Office. If you don't do this, the importer may read the extra comma as a data separator, and the import may fail.

Also, if you use quotations like this, make sure quotations are nowhere else in the CSV data.

Size limit: 100 MB

The file must not be more than 100 MB in size.

Dates in yyyy-mm-dd format

You must use the ISO8601 date format: yyyy-mm-dd (e.g. 2016-03-31).

Note that if you are having issues importing date values, you may want to edit the date format in your computer’s region settings and choose the yyyy-mm-dd format as your short date. ISO8601 is an international standard for the representation of dates and times.

Phone number in required format

Only the area code and number should be entered. Do not enter the country code, even for non-US/Canadian numbers.

Special characters, such as brackets, dashes, dots, commas, and spaces, are accepted, but may not be used. IT Glue will reformat the number to the standard for the specified country (in the Country field).

Commas are used to delimit (separate) the data

If items in the text file are separated by tabs, colons, semicolons, spaces, or other characters, replace them with commas using a text editor, such as Notepad.

If the problem is related to a regional setting, another option is to change your regional settings. See Changing regional setting in Windows (CSV imports).

Tips for getting your data from CSV files

Keep reading for more tips that will help you prepare your data for a successful import.

This section is organized into the following subsections: