
The Flags feature allows you to quickly flag a document for future review and reference. A document's flagged state is designated by a special flag icon beside the document title in the Document list view and the document itself. This makes tracking and organization much easier.

Increasing visibility through flags

The Flag feature lets you:

  • Create custom flags (e.g. Incomplete, Needs Review)
  • Add a specific flag and description to a document to indicate what could be actioned
  • Set a specific flag type as the default to ensure all new documents will automatically have this default flag added
  • Filter flags in Document and Global list view based on flag type for quick identification
  • Managers with access to all organizations and Administrators can create, edit, or delete flag types in Account > Flag Types
  • Add Flag Types to any document a user has access to within an Organization

Creating flag types

  1. Log in to IT Glue and navigate to Account > Flag Types.
  2. In the Flag Types main page, click the green + New button.
  3. In the New Flag Type page, enter a name for the new flag, choose a flag color, and click outside the box to save the color selection. Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen to confirm your changes.


    NOTE  Select the Make this flag type default checkbox if you want the new flag to be automatically added by default to all new documents going forward. However, only one default flag can be set. If you set a new default flag when a prior default flag already exists, the below warning message will appear.

  4. Navigate back to Account > Flag Types to see your newly created flag type, default status, and color in the list view.

Editing flag types

  1. In the Flag Types main page, find the flag type, and click on the pencil icon.
  2. Make the required edits and click Save.

Deleting flag types

To remove the flag globally, click the garbage can icon in the Flag Types main page. Keep in mind that Administrators and Managers with access to all organizations can also delete flag types.

IMPORTANT  Warning: Deleting a flag type will remove the flag from all assets currently using it. This action cannot be undone.

Flagging a document

A flag can be added to a document in view or edit mode.

  1. Navigate to the document you want to flag in Organizations > Documents. Click on the document to open it.
  2. At the top of the screen under the document title, click Add Flag. Select the Flag Type in the drop-down menu.

    NOTE  When a new document is created, the default flag will be automatically selected if one exists. Refer to Step 3 in the Creating Flag Types section of this KB for more details.

  3. Here, you have an option to add a description to the flag. Click Save.

Viewing flags and flag descriptions in IT Glue

In the Documents list view (Organizations > Documents), the colored dot appears beside the document if a flag has been added to it. Hover your mouse over the dot to read its description.

Another way to view flags and their associated descriptions in the Global list view (Global > Documents).

Filtering for flags

The Flag feature lets you easily filter for all documents with a specific flag type within the Document list view from both the Organizational and Global levels.

  • Organizational Level
    • Navigate to Organization > Documents and click the Filter columns or Search keywords bar. Select the Flag filter. Select the flag type from the drop-down menu.
  • Global Level
    • Navigate to Global > Documents and type in the flag type in the first column.

Find flagged documents in IT Glue Search

  1. From any screen in IT Glue, start your search by:
    • Clicking the Search bar at the top of the screen
    • Pressing "Q" on your keyboard
    • Pressing "/" on your keyboard

    NOTE  If you are searching outside of an organization, all three methods above will allow you to search on a Global level only. If you are searching within an organization, you can toggle the parameters of the search to either organizational or global levels by clicking the globe/house icon.

  2. Type in "flag:[flag type]". The search will return all documents with the associated flag type and provide a preview the first document in the list.

    NOTE  Tip! In the preview pane, you can click the speech bubble icon to view the flag description.
