IT Glue Mobile App - Configurations

You can use the IT Glue Mobile App to view Configurations in your IT Glue account. This will allow you to see all your Configurations on the go, without the need for a workstation.

This will help with site visits, it allows you to make sure documents are accurate, check on serial numbers, or check for expiry dates.

Accessing Configurations

There are three ways to access Configurations in the IT Glue mobile app.

  • Select from favorites list
  • Use the app search
  • Scan a device barcode

Select from favorites list

  1. Log in to the IT Glue mobile app to be directed to the Organizations screen. Organizations that you have set as your favorite, will be noted by a star icon.
  2. Tap to select the organization you want to view.
  3. In the asset menu screen, tap on the Configurations option.
  4. Tap on the desired configuration. You can new view all information for the selected configuration.

Use the app search

  1. Log in to the IT Glue mobile app to be directed to the Organizations screen.
  2. Tap the search bar at the top of the screen. 
  3. Enter the name of the organization or configuration.

Scan a device barcode

For the barcode scanner feature to work, enter the barcode identifier into the Asset Tag field in the respective IT Glue configuration first. Then, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to the IT Glue mobile app to be directed to the Organizations screen. Organizations that you have set as your favorite, will be noted by a star icon.
  2. Tap to select the organization you want to view.
  3. In the asset menu screen, tap on the Configurations option. If you have access to the configuration, a barcode icon will appear in the top-right corner of the screen.
  4. Tap on the barcode icon to launch the barcode scanner.

    NOTE  You may be prompted to enable camera access for the barcode scanner feature to work. Tap OK to continue.

  5. Focus on the barcode to be scanned.
    • If the configuration is found, you will be directed to its information screen.
    • If multiple assets are found, select the correct configuration from the list of search results.

Viewing Attachments

  1. In the asset list view, scroll to the bottom to view any attachments tied to that asset.
  2. Scroll through the list and tap on the attachment in the list to view its details.

Uploading/viewing images as attachments

  1. In the asset list view, tap on the paperclip icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
  2. Tap on the plus icon to either:
    1. Take a new picture immediately (camera icon) or,
    2. Add an existing picture from your phone's image gallery (portrait icon).

      NOTE  You will need to accept any prompts to enable camera and/or image gallery access.

  3. Once you have taken or selected the image, you will be directed to the Configuration screen to confirm the upload was done correctly.
  4. To view an image, tap on the item in the list. Exit the image preview by tapping the X at the top-right corner of the screen.

NOTE  If the photo exceeds 100MB, you will need to resize it before re-upload.

For more information on other IT Glue Mobile App features, please take a look at the following topics: