Setting up MyGlue Help Center


Use the MyGlue Help Center to strengthen your relationship with your MyGlue users on a wider level. As you create general SOPs that can benefit all of your MyGlue users, publish them to the Help Center where MyGlue users across multiple accounts can automatically access the information directly in their own instance. You can choose to publish a document from any IT Glue organization, or simply create a new organization in which documents shared to the MyGlue Help Center will be stored.

The MyGlue Help Center empowers your users to learn about and/or troubleshoot simple topics based on their specific needs and timelines. It also allows your users to find instructions related to their IT infrastructure without having to wait for you, their IT provider, to get back to them. Not only does this cut down on tickets, but it also means you can focus your communications with your users on more complex topics and collaborative projects.


You must have a Creator role or above in IT Glue.


Publishing an IT Glue document to MyGlue Help Center

  1. Navigate to the document that you would like to publish to the Help Center.
  2. In the right side panel under Read-only settings, click the MyGlue Help Center checkbox.
  3. Select one of the two options:
    • All MyGlue accounts can view this Document - If selected, all MyGlue users across all MyGlue accounts will be given read-only access to the document in their respective Help Centers.
    • Specific MyGlue accounts can view this Document - This is the default option. This option allows you to share the document to specific MyGlue accounts only. Once this option is selected, use the search bar to find the specific MyGlue account(s). Note that only active accounts are listed in the drop-down menu.
    • If you haven’t published your document yet, clicking the MyGlue Help Center checkbox will show a reminder to complete publication first.

Once your selection is made, the read-only version of the document will appear in the Help Center of all MyGlue accounts connected to your IT Glue account, or specific MyGlue accounts that you specified. All new MyGlue users created after you have published a document to the Help Center will have automatic access to its contents if you have selected the “All MyGlue accounts” option.

Help Center document to a MyGlue user

The Help Center document appears in the MyGlue Help Center as read-only. Below is an example of what your MyGlue user will see once you have published a document. You can also direct your MyGlue users to this KB article showing the steps of how to navigate the Help Center in their instance.


NOTE  A note on sub-documents:
If the document you plan to share has any sub-documents, you will need to share each of those individually by following the above steps. Sub-documents are not automatically shared to the Help Center if their parent is shared.
In the Help Center, documents and sub-documents are displayed in alphabetical order and can be sorted. However, sub-documents will appear as the parent documents do - there will be no hierarchy shown. Users can use the filter bar to narrow their search for a particular document.

Identifying Help Center documents throughout IT Glue

  • In the document view mode - The MyGlue Help Center checkbox is grayed out indicating this document is shared to the Help Center.
  • On the organizational document list page - In Organization > Documents, checkmarks will be indicated in the Help Center column beside documents that are shared to the Help Center.
  • On the Global page - Checkmarks will be indicated in the Help Center column beside documents that are shared to the Help Center.
  • Activity Logs - All following actions will create an entry in the log:
    • Document is published to the Help Center
    • Document is removed from the Help Center
    • Read-only settings are changed from “All” to “Specific” and vice versa
    • Specific MyGlue accounts were selected or deselected within the read-only settings.
  • Account Exports - In the exported .CSV, the Help Center column indicates "Yes" if a document is published to the Help Center, or "No" if it is not.

Removing an IT Glue document from MyGlue Help Center

  1. Navigate to the document that you would like to remove from the Help Center.
  2. In the right side panel under Read-only settings, deselect the MyGlue Help Center checkbox.

The document will be immediately removed from the MyGlue Help Center and will no longer be visible across all of your MyGlue accounts.